Crystal growth, deformation, and dissolution in ore deposits
I am the Assistant Professor of Economic Geology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. My primary interest is applying fundamental crystal growth, dissolution, and deformation processes to understand ore deposit formation and critical mineral distributions. I am interested in how fluids form, migrate, and ultimately form ore deposits.

Recent Research Highlight
"Disequilibrium reaction pathways and the twin-mediated growth of tabular forsterite during contact metamorphism of quartz-bearing dolomite". Available from Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology as an Open Access Article:

In this contribution we show that tabular olivine morphologies form by the twin plane re-entrant effect at very high supersaturations. We experimentally show that equant olivine is the end result of dissolution-precipitation textural equilibration driven by structural disorder.
The background image of this page is the view of the Alaska Range from the Reichardt Building, where the UAF Department of Geosciences is located.